Thursday, May 2, 2013

Dental Disease in Mill Suriviors

We are often asked why most of our mill survivors, even the younger ones, have few if any teeth.   

Romeo lost 1/4 of his lower jaw 

The food that is fed in puppy mills is often the lowest cost and therefore the lowest quality available. It is sometimes made of the sweepings from the floor.  Some millers make their own “dog food” from suet and ground oats. It is so devoid of nutritional value that the dogs' teeth rot at early ages. Severe dental disease and jaw bone abscesses are a common finding in mill dogs of fairly young age.

7 year old Maltese without any teeth

Another reason for dental disease in the mill dog is the lack of drinking water in a bowl.  Most mills use a type of watering system or “rabbit water bottles” that require the dog to lick a metal ball to get drops of water.  These drops of water are not enough to help rinse food debris from the teeth during drinking.  Dogs who are offered water in a bowl tend to have less tooth decay than those with water bottles.

When a tooth becomes decayed, an infection is common. Bacteria under the gum line secrete toxins, which contribute to the tissue damage.  When these infections are not treated, they can travel into the bone of the jaws and actually cause the bone to deteriorate as well. Unfortunately it does not stop there.  The toxins from can be released into the circulatory system and travel throughout the body.

Many of our mill survivors come in with heart murmurs, mostly caused by dental disease. The bacteria can also travel to the kidneys causing them to function inadequately.  The lack of care these dogs receive while in the care of their breeder is criminal, and sadly, it is the dog that pays the price. 

Juliette's murmur disappeared after treatment
Thankfully, once in our rescue and under the care of a veterinarian, the dental issues are the first to be addressed. Antibiotics are prescribed, and infections controlled.  Dentals are usually done within 2 weeks of arrival if the dogs overall health will permit.  In some cases, the heart murmur disappeared after antibiotic treatment and removal of decayed teeth. 

Once a dental has been done, any remaining teeth need protected. Although most mill survivors will not tolerate having their remaining teeth brushed there is something you can do. A water additive can help in preventing further tooth damage and increase overall oral health. 

Products containing zinc gluconate have been shown to act as an antibacterial agent, and can slow the tartar buildup on the dogs remaining teeth. There are several of these water additives on the market so I suggest you do the research and find one that will work for you and your mill dog. 

Keep smilin’.

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